Barnes Hill
Waterbury Center, VT
Located in the hills of Waterbury Center, on land that has been in the family for many years, this home is truly a family affair. Sitting on the high point of this well known scenic road, views extend in every direction.
This collaborative project was designed by the homeowner’s brother and father, with interior design done by the homeowner’s mother. This net-zero home is intended to be compact, but lives large as the footprint of the house is smaller than the garage, where these very active homeowners keep their outdoor equipment, shop tools, and fun stuff that makes living in Vermont special.
This all electric, net-zero home features European tilt and turn windows, locally sourced lumber and stone, double stud walls, passive house airtightness and a small woodstove to gather around in the cooler months. A large solar array powering the home features a purposeful 15 degree skewed foundation to set into the hillside and to offer maximum solar gain in the winter months while capturing the western views.
Placed between the tallest peaks of the Green Mountains to one side and the Worcester Range on the opposite side, this home feels like it belongs tucked into this higher elevation bluff, offering panoramic views and astonishing sunsets.
Special consideration was given to accessibility for both homeowners and visitors with a welcoming concrete ramp inviting you into the front door in any form of mobility.
Metcalfe Associates, Northampton, MA
Barbara Jo Metcalfe
Shelterwood Construction
2024 Efficiency Vermont Best of the Best
Best Residential Construction – Market Rate Project
2023 Vermont Green Building Network Green Building Award
2023 Vermont Green Building Network Net-Zero Award